Posted by : Naveen's Blogs
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
#include< iostream > #include< cstdlib > #include< string > using namespace std; struct tree { int info; tree *Left, *Right; }; tree *root; class Binary_tree { string path; public: Binary_tree(); void insert1(int); tree *insert2(tree *, tree *); void search(int); void pretrav(tree *); void intrav(tree *); void posttrav(tree *); }; Binary_tree::Binary_tree() { root = NULL; } tree* Binary_tree::insert2(tree *temp,tree *newnode) { if(temp==NULL) { temp=newnode; } else if(temp->info < newnode->info) { insert2(temp->Right,newnode); if(temp->Right==NULL) temp->Right=newnode; } else { insert2(temp->Left,newnode); if(temp->Left==NULL) temp->Left=newnode; } return temp; } void Binary_tree::insert1(int n) { tree *temp=root,*newnode; newnode=new tree; newnode->Left=NULL; newnode->Right=NULL; newnode->info=n; root=insert2(temp,newnode); } void Binary_tree::pretrav(tree *t = root) { if(root == NULL) { cout<<"Nothing to display"; } else if(t != NULL) { cout<< t->info<<" "; pretrav(t->Left); pretrav(t->Right); } } void Binary_tree::intrav(tree *t = root) { if(root==NULL) { cout<<"Nothing to display"; } else if(t!=NULL) { intrav(t->Left); cout<< t->info<<" "; intrav(t->Right); } } void Binary_tree::posttrav(tree *t = root) { if(root==NULL) { cout<<"Nothing to display"; } else if(t!=NULL) { posttrav(t->Left); posttrav(t->Right); cout<< t->info<<" "; } } void Binary_tree::search(int key) { tree *temp=root,*parent=root; path = ""; if(temp==NULL) { cout<<"The tree is empty"<< endl; } else { path = "root"; while(temp!=NULL && temp->info!=key) { parent=temp; if(temp->info< key) { temp=temp->Right; path += "->Right"; } else { temp=temp->Left; path += "->Left"; } } } if(temp==NULL) { cout<<"Key not found!"; } else { cout<<"Key is found\n"; cout<<"Paht is: "; cout<< path; } } int main() { Binary_tree bt; int choice, n, key; while(1) { cout<<"\n\t1. Insert\n\t2. Search\n\t3. Preorder Traversal\n\t4. Inorder Treversal\n\t5. Postorder Traversal\n\t6. Exit"<< endl; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"Enter item: "; cin>>n; bt.insert1(n); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter element to search: "; cin>>key;; break; case 3: cout<< endl; bt.pretrav(); break; case 4: cout<< endl; bt.intrav(); break; case 5: cout<< endl; bt.posttrav(); break; case 6: exit(0); } } return 0; }