Posted by : Naveen's Blogs
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
#include#include #include #include int Partition(int low,int high,int arr[]); void Quick_sort(int low,int high,int arr[]); void main() { int *a,n,low,high,i; clrscr(); cout<<"Quick Sort Algorithm";<< endl cout<<"Enter number of elements:"; cin>>n; a=new int[n]; /* cout<<"enter the elements:"; for(i=0;i< n;i++) cin>>a;*/ for(i=0;i < n;i++) a[i]=rand()%100; clrscr(); cout<<"Initial Order of elements"; for(i=0;i< n;i++) cout<< a[i] <<" "; cout <<""; high=n-1; low=0; Quick_sort(low,high,a); cout <<"Final Array After Sorting:"; for(i=0;i < n;i++) cout << a[i] <<" "; getch(); } /*Function for partitioning the array*/ int Partition(int low,int high,int arr[]) { int i,high_vac,low_vac,pivot/*,itr*/; pivot=arr[low]; while(high>low) { high_vac=arr[high]; while(pivot< high_vac) { if(high < =low) break; high--; high_vac=arr[high]; } arr[low]=high_vac; low_vac=arr[low]; while(pivot > low_vac) { if(high < =low) break; low++; low_vac=arr[low]; } arr[high]=low_vac; } arr[low]=pivot; return low; } void Quick_sort(int low,int high,int arr[]) { int Piv_index,i; if(low < high) { Piv_index=Partition(low,high,arr); Quick_sort(low,Piv_index-1,arr); Quick_sort(Piv_index+1,high,arr); } }