Posted by : Naveen's Blogs
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
#include < iostream > #include < cstdlib > #include < string > using namespace std; class Dllist { private: typedef struct Node { string name; Node* next; Node* prev; }; Node* head; Node* last; public: Dllist() { head = NULL; last = NULL; } bool empty() const { return head==NULL; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& ,const Dllist& ); void Insert(const string& ); void Remove(const string& ); }; void Dllist::Insert(const string& s) { // Insertion into an Empty List. if(empty()) { Node* temp = new Node; head = temp; last = temp; temp->prev = NULL; temp->next = NULL; temp->name = s; } else { Node* curr; curr = head; while( s>curr->name && curr->next != last->next) curr = curr->next; if(curr == head) { Node* temp = new Node; temp->name = s; temp->prev = curr; temp->next = NULL; head->next = temp; last = temp; // cout<<" Inserted "<< s <<" After " << curr->name << endl; } else { if(curr == last && s>last->name) { last->next = new Node; (last->next)->prev = last; last = last->next; last->next = NULL; last->name = s; // cout<<" Added "<< s <<" at the end "<< endl; } else { Node* temp = new Node; temp->name = s; temp->next = curr; (curr->prev)->next = temp; temp->prev = curr->prev; curr->prev = temp; // cout<<" Inserted "<< s <<" Before "<< curr->name << endl; } } } } ostream& operator<<(ostream& ostr, const Dllist& dl ) { if(dl.empty()) ostr<<" The list is empty. "<< endl; else { Dllist::Node* curr; for(curr = dl.head; curr != dl.last->next; curr=curr->next) ostr<< curr->name<<" "; ostr<< endl; ostr<< endl; return ostr; } } void Dllist::Remove(const string& s) { bool found = false; if(empty()) { cout<<" This is an empty list! "<< endl; return; } else { Node* curr; for(curr = head; curr != last->next; curr = curr->next) { if(curr->name == s) { found = true; break; } } if(found == false) { cout<<" The list does not contain specified Node"<< endl; return; } else { // Curr points to the node to be removed. if (curr == head && found) { if(curr->next != NULL) { head = curr->next; delete curr; return; } else { delete curr; head = NULL; last = NULL; return; } } if (curr == last && found) { last = curr->prev; delete curr; return; } (curr->prev)->next = curr->next; (curr->next)->prev = curr->prev; delete curr; } } } int main() { Dllist d1; int ch; string temp; while(1) { cout<< endl; cout<<" Doubly Linked List Operations "<< endl; cout<<" ------------------------------"<< endl; cout<<" 1. Insertion "<< endl; cout<<" 2. Deletion "<< endl; cout<<" 3. Display "<< endl; cout<<" 4. Exit "<< endl; cout<<" Enter your choice : "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<" Enter Name to be inserted : "; cin>>temp; d1.Insert(temp); break; case 2: cout<<" Enter Name to be deleted : "; cin>>temp; d1.Remove(temp); break; case 3: cout<<" The List contains : "; cout<< d1; break; case 4: system("pause"); return 0; break; } } }
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