Posted by : Naveen's Blogs Tuesday, 29 April 2014

  #include< iostream > 
  #define INFINITY 999 
  using namespace std; 
  class Dijkstra 
       int adjMatrix[15][15]; 
       int predecessor[15],distance[15]; 
       bool mark[15]; //keep track of visited node 
       int source; 
       int numOfVertices; 
       * Function read() reads No of vertices, Adjacency Matrix and source 
       * Matrix from the user. The number of vertices must be greather than 
       * zero, all members of Adjacency Matrix must be postive as distances 
       * are always positive. The source vertex must also be positive from 0 
       * to noOfVertices - 1 
       void read(); 
       * Function initialize initializes all the data members at the begining of 
       * the execution. The distance between source to source is zero and all other 
       * distances between source and vertices are infinity. The mark is initialized 
       * to false and predecessor is initialized to -1 
       void initialize(); 
       * Function getClosestUnmarkedNode returns the node which is nearest from the 
       * Predecessor marked node. If the node is already marked as visited, then it search 
       * for another node. 
        int getClosestUnmarkedNode(); 
       * Function calculateDistance calculates the minimum distances from the source node to 
       * Other node. 
        void calculateDistance(); 
       * Function output prints the results 
        void output(); 
       void printPath(int); 
  void Dijkstra::read() 
     cout<<"Enter the number of vertices of the graph(should be > 0)\n"; 
     while(numOfVertices <= 0) 
        cout<<"Enter the number of vertices of the graph(should be > 0)\n"; 
     cout<<"Enter the adjacency matrix for the graph\n"; 
     cout<<"To enter infinity enter "<< INFINITY<< endl; 
     for(int i=0;i< numOfVertices;i++) 
        cout<<"Enter the (+ve)weights for the row "<< i << endl; 
       for(int j=0;j< numOfVertices;j++) 
            cout<<"Weights should be +ve. Enter the weight again\n"; 
     cout<<"Enter the source vertex\n"; 
     while((source<0) && (source>numOfVertices-1)) 
        cout<<"Source vertex should be between 0 and"<< numOfVertices-1<< endl; 
        cout<<"Enter the source vertex again\n"; 
  voidpre Dijkstra::initialize() 
     for(int i=0;i< numOfVertices;i++) 
        mark[i] = false; 
       predecessor[i] = -1; 
       distance[i] = INFINITY; 
     distance[source]= 0; 
  int Dijkstra::getClosestUnmarkedNode() 
     int minDistance = INFINITY; 
     int closestUnmarkedNode; 
     for(int i=0;i< numOfVertices;i++) 
        if((!mark[i]) && ( minDistance >= distance[i])) 
          minDistance = distance[i]; 
         closestUnmarkedNode = i; 
     return closestUnmarkedNode; 
  void Dijkstra::calculateDistance() 
     int minDistance = INFINITY; 
     int closestUnmarkedNode; 
     int count = 0; 
     while(count < numOfVertices) 
        closestUnmarkedNode = getClosestUnmarkedNode(); 
       mark[closestUnmarkedNode] = true; 
       for(int i=0;i< numOfVertices;i++) 
          if((!mark[i]) && (adjMatrix[closestUnmarkedNode][i]>0) ) 
           if(distance[i] > distance[closestUnmarkedNode]+adjMatrix[closestUnmarkedNode][i]) 
             distance[i] = distance[closestUnmarkedNode]+adjMatrix[closestUnmarkedNode][i]; 
             predecessor[i] = closestUnmarkedNode; 
  void Dijkstra::printPath(int node) 
     if(node == source) 
       cout<<(char)(node + 97)<<".."; 
     else if(predecessor[node] == -1) 
       cout<<"No path from “<< source<<”to "<<(char)(node + 97)<< endl; 
       cout<<(char) (node + 97)<<".."; 
  void Dijkstra::output() 
     for(int i=0;i< numOfVertices;i++) 
        if(i == source) 
         cout<<(char)(source + 97)<<".."<< source; 
       cout<<"->"<< distance[i]<< endl; 
  int main() 
     Dijkstra G;; 
     return 0; 

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