Posted by : Naveen's Blogs
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
#include < iostream.h > #include < conio.h > #include < stdlib.h > struct node { char name[20]; int age; float height; node *nxt; }; node *start_ptr=NULL; int main() { void push (); void pop(); char ch; clrscr(); cout<<"Queue"; cout<<"-----"; do { cout<<"Select an operation"; cout<<"u->push"; cout<<"o->pop"; cout<<"e->exit"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 'u': push(); break; case 'o': pop(); break; case 'e': exit(0); } }while(ch!='e'); return 0; } void pop() { node *temp1,*temp2; if(start_ptr==NULL) cout<<"The list is empty"; else { temp1=start_ptr; temp2=temp1; while(temp1->nxt!=NULL) { temp2=temp1; temp1=temp1->nxt; } if(temp1==temp2) { cout<< temp1->name<<","; cout<< temp1->age<<", "; cout<< temp1->height; start_ptr=NULL; } else { cout<< temp1->name<<", "; cout<< temp1->age<<", "; cout<< temp1->height; temp2->nxt=NULL; delete temp1; } } } void push () { node *temp; temp = new node; cout << "Please enter the name of the person: "; cin >> temp->name; cout << "Please enter the age of the person: "; cin >> temp->age; cout << "Please enter the height of the person: "; cin >> temp->height; if (start_ptr == NULL) { temp->nxt=NULL; start_ptr = temp; } else { temp->nxt=start_ptr; start_ptr=temp; } }
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